Spectator Hotel Information
We recommend athletes plan to share hotel rooms with their family members rather than with teammates, if possible. As a parent, booking a room helps your athlete's team receive credit towards acceptance into the event by enabling your team to reach the minimum room nights requirement. Please understand your team is counting on this reservation and cancellation may affect the teams’ acceptance status and ability to participate. Financial penalties may apply for the team to remain in the event if rooms are cancelled.
For your room to be added to your athlete’s team room night requirement, it must be assigned to your athlete’s team.
When making a reservation, you will be prompted to select your club’s name and the team your athlete is playing on.
If your club and team name do not appear, the club has not entered the event and paid the entry fee in SportWrench.
Remember, your athlete’s team is counting on parents to make reservations through our hotel partner (THS) at an approved tournament hotel.
Reservations made using reward points or outside the housing block will not be counted towards the team’s room-night requirement.
Official acceptances into The Classic will begin in late-October. We accept teams division by division and will continue on a rolling basis until all spots are filled.